Digital Financial Literacy Survey Questions
Correct answers are in bold. These questions are reflected in the Banking in the Digital Age report.
Financial Literacy
- True or FALSE: I need to carry a balance on my card to increase my credit score.
True or FALSE: It does not matter how much of my credit line is used; as long as I pay the balance in full, my score will go up.
TRUE or False: My debt-to-income ratio is all my monthly debt payments divided by my gross monthly income.
You lend $25 to a friend one evening and he gives you $25 back the next day. How much interest has he paid on this loan? (Source: OECD)
A. $0
b. $5
c. $25
d. Not sure
Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2% per year. After 5 years, how much do you think you would have in the account if you left the money to grow? (Source: OECD)
a. Less than $110
b. Exactly $110
d. Not sure
Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1% per year and inflation was 2% per year. After 1 year, how much would you be able to buy with the money in this account? (Source: OECD)
a. More than today
b. Exactly the same as today
d. Not sure
Digital Literacy
- TRUE or False: The personal data that I share publicly online may be used to target me with personalized offers. (Source: OECD, modified)
True or FALSE: It is safe to share passwords with close friends. (Source: OECD, modified)
TRUE or False: It is unsafe to share personal information (e.g. financial info, housing info) online, even if my social accounts are private. (Source: OECD, modified)
True or FALSE: If I am making a transaction online, it safe to assume the website is secure. (Source: OECD, modified)
Where might someone encounter a phishing scam? (Source: Pew Research Center)
a. In an email
b. On social media
c. In a text message
d. On a website
f. None of the above
g. Not sure
- Some websites and online services use a security process known as two-step or two-factor authentication. Which of the following images is an example of two-factor authentication? (Source: Pew Research Center)
Answer: A
Digital banking
What is your preferred method for managing your finances?
Mobile app
Phone customer service
Texting with bank
Branch (excluding ATMs)
Are you enrolled in digital banking (e.g. mobile app and website) for your financial accounts?
No, I am not enrolled in digital banking for any of my accounts
Yes, I am enrolled in digital banking for some of my accounts
Yes, I am enrolled in digital banking for all of my accounts
How often do you use digital banking (e.g. mobile app and website) for your financial accounts?
What digital banking capabilities (e.g. mobile app and website) do you use? (Select all that apply)
Check my balance or transactions
Pay my bill(s)
Handle a missed payment
Open new accounts
Contact customer support
Update my information or preferences
Dispute a charge or report fraud
Redeem offers or rewards
Replace a lost, stolen or damaged card
Request a credit line increase
Transfer money to others online
Recharge a prepaid card
Have you used an online platform for any of the following tools in the past year? (Select all that apply)
Budgeting and savings tools (e.g. an app that breaks down your spending based on personalized limits)
Subscription management tool
Personalized automated investing portfolios (e.g. a robo advisor that accounts for personal preferences)
Credit score management tool