reached in 13 communities across the United States, United Kingdom and Canada
including schools and non-profit organizations in local Capital One communities
volunteered by Capital One associates who offer their technology expertise and guidance
Anyone Can Be a Technologist!
Technology is helping shape the world, from video games to self-driving cars. Coding can bring your ideas to life - anything you can think of, you can code!
Mentorship sets our program apart. Capital One Tech Associates offer encouragement and build confidence in coding while providing authentic insight into their own tech journeys and computer science careers.
Students create their very own mobile app, build a website with HTML and CSS, or interact with APIs from scratch, giving participants the inspiration and confidence to explore their future in a tech-driven world.
As a part of the Capital One Impact initiative, Capital One Coders brings computer science experience to students that can benefit from it the most – over 90% of Coders programming serves low to moderate income communities. By increasing access to computer science education, we are supporting growth in underserved communities and advancing socioeconomic mobility.
Program Offerings
Web Development Ignite
Students spend a day with Capital One mentors to work through a hands-on lesson teaching fundamentals of computer science.
Weekly Web Development
Students design and develop their own website in an 8 to 10 week program with Capital One mentors, culminating in a presentation and celebration of their accomplishment at the end of the program.
MIT App Inventor
Students learn block coding concepts, including event-driven programming and procedures, and create their own Android mobile apps with the support of Capital One Coders mentors.
Capital One Coders In Action
Students Share Their Stories
Students learn that a future is bright with technology through Capital One Coders. Students design and code their own apps, opening a world of possibilities by unlocking their hidden talents and skills.
Fast Company Honors Coders As Innovation Beacon
Fast Company honors Capital One with the Number 3 spot in the Corporate Social Responsibility category for providing innovative learning opportunities to public schools and nonprofits.
Perspectives: Mentoring the Next Generation of STEM Stars
Mentoring programs like Capital One Coders enables digital learning for tomorrow’s leaders.
Coders Enables Digital Learning Amid School Closures
More than 500 Capital One technologists shifted their instruction entirely online to overcome an even more pronounced “summer slide” brought on by COVID-19.