Find a transaction

Here's how you can search and filter your transactions.

Find a transaction

Here's how you can search and filter your transactions.

You can search and filter your transactions through the website as well as search on the Capital One Mobile app.

To search for transactions using the website:

  1. Sign in to

  2. Click on the account you want to search.

  3. Above your list of transactions, click on the search box to search and filter through your transactions.

  4. Select a transaction to view more details like description, amount, merchant category (example: dining, grocery, gas/automotive) and card (which card or user made the purchase).

  5. If there’s an issue after you’ve reviewed the details, you may have the option to “Report a Problem.”

To search for transactions using the mobile app:

  1. Sign in to the Capital One Mobile app (Text “MOBILE” to 80101 for a link to download).

  2. Tap the account you want to search.

  3. Select the “View All” option next to the Recent Transactions header.

  4. Select the search box at the top of the Transactions page to search through your transactions.

  5. Select a transaction to view more details like description, amount, merchant category (example: dining, grocery, gas/automotive) and card (which card or user made the purchase.

  6. If there’s an issue after you’ve reviewed the details, you may have the option to “Report a Problem.”