From Banker to Bootstrapper — Funding Your Company in a Sustainable Way

Cate Luzio, founder and CEO, Luminary

How Luminary’s Cate Luzio Self Funded Her Business
The co-founder and CEO Luminary talks about the many ways to fund a business without taking venture capital.
Luminary's Cate Luzio left her banking career to start a women-centered professional community. To fund it, she drew on her previous experience.
Luminary's Cate Luzio left her banking career to start a women-centered professional community. To fund it, she drew on her previous experience.
Catch the highlights
  • Self Funding and Setting Limits
    Video | 1:14 min
  • How to Find Funding for Your Company Without Turning to Venture Capital
    Video | 1:14 min
  • How Crowdfunding Offered Surprising Marketing Benefits
    Video | 1:36 min

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