5 Mistakes to Avoid When Servicing Your Car

Ensure your car is serviced correctly and you're saving money in the right places.

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Every car on the road requires maintenance. Despite that commonality, servicing your car isn't always a straightforward process. Whether trusting your vehicle to the pros or doing it yourself, here are five mistakes to avoid when servicing your car.

1. Selecting a service provider without due consideration

Do your research before settling on a shop.

Reputation is one of the most critical factors when selecting a service provider. The internet is an excellent resource for reviews and ratings, but don't overlook the tried-and-true method of asking friends and neighbors for recommendations.

Beyond a solid reputation, ensure a service provider has the right services and amenities for your needs. Factors to keep in mind include the availability of loaner vehicles, hours for drop-off and pickup, and waiting room amenities, such as Wi-Fi.

2. Being unprepared for your service appointment

Prepare your car to be serviced. Have enough fuel in the tank (or juice in the battery array, in the case of an electric vehicle) for the service technician to take a few spins around the block, which helps diagnose a problem and ensure it's fixed. Also, make sure necessary tools, such as a wheel-lock key, are present and areas the mechanic needs access to are clutter free.

3. Failing to shop around and seek second opinions

Service prices vary from shop to shop, so it's wise to get quotes from multiple garages. Routine maintenance items such as an oil change or a tire rotation typically have set prices, making it easy to perform apples-to-apples cost comparisons.

You should also seek a second opinion for costly repairs. Professional mechanics aren't immune to misdiagnosing mechanical issues, and unscrupulous shops exist. Receiving a second opinion is a good way to protect your pocketbook.

4. Taking on a DIY service beyond your skill set

Servicing your own vehicle is a good way to save money but, for most of us, it's best to leave the complicated repairs to the professionals. Attempting a service procedure that exceeds your skill set can risk damage to your car or injury to yourself.

Moreover, modern cars are complicated machines that often require specialized tools. Purchasing the necessary equipment for a specific repair could cost you more than a pro would have charged to complete the job.

5. Neglecting routine service and ignoring warning signs

Adhere to the service intervals recommended by your vehicle's manufacturer. Failing to keep up with routine maintenance can cause damage to your vehicle and, in some cases, even void your factory warranty. Be sure to stay on top of preventative maintenance, such as changing the air filter or flushing the coolant, to ensure your car operates optimally.

Don't ignore warning signs — new squeaks, rattles, or vibrations. Those irregularities can be indicators of serious problems that could compromise the safety of your vehicle.

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Drew Johnson
I have been a professional automotive enthusiast since 2007, featured on several nationally-recognized sites. I attended Miami University, where I earned a business degree. Car nut at heart.