If you find power of attorney, conservator, or guardianship may not fit your needs, here are some other account options to consider. Note: The below options may not be applicable to all account types. For more information, please contact us for additional details.

Other Options for Financial Decisions


A trust allows a third party—called a trustee—to manage assets in a trust fund on behalf of a beneficiary, which is the party who receives the assets. A trust agreement is a document that allows a trustor to describe how they want their assets managed. A trustor—also known as a settlor or grantor—is the party who opens the trust.

Authorized User

An authorized user is someone you add to your account without any additional application or credit check. They’ll get a card with their name on it and share your line of credit. Plus, if you have a rewards card, you’ll earn on every dollar they spend.

Learn more about Account Users.

Account Manager

An account manager is a type of Authorized User who has near-equal access as you. By using their own card and login, they can help you manage the account. They’ll be able to track purchases and report issues. Plus, they can earn and redeem rewards if you have a rewards card.

Learn more about Account Users.

Supported decision making agreement

Supported decision making agreements (SDMA) are generally agreements where any given individual describes the process by which they make decisions. These decisions may be financial, medical, or any other category in which they may need assistance. Additionally, some legal SDMAs concern individuals with disabilities and their own process by which they make decisions.

Request a power of attorney, conservatorship, or guardianship

Other Types of Authority

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